Thursday 21 February 2008

Day three: crazed images

Yawning, I opened my eyes. The poncho was very warm, and as soon as I snuggled up into it's pinky depths, I heard someone shout "HELP!"
I sat up. It sounded like Zahary!
"HELP!" they shouted again, this time louder, with the feeling of fear.
"WHAT???" I shouted bac, standing up. Zahary's voice was now calling "MALISSA?"
"NO!" I yelled, "ELLEN!"
"ELLEN!" he shouted. I heard more panic.
"WHAT?" I asked him loudly, but I heard a rumble and a crash. Soon the beautiful greenery on Kakepuku's slope was dissapearing under a ton or so of mud. I closed my eyes and opened them. The mud was still charging ahead. I gritted my teeth. A mide-slide might just be good enough to body-surf on. I scarmbled with my bag, and zipped it up and put it on just before the mud began to creep up on me. I took a deep breath and dived!
If you want to keep reading Ellen's diary, go on!
I felt myself being lifted up into the air, My eyes were wide with amazment. It worked! I looked behind for Zahary and saw a little hand in the mud that vanished again. Then, it popped back up, about a foot from where I was. I grabbed it and pulled. The grip was limp and I had to heave at it without un-balancing. Soon I had heaved an unconcious Man covered in Mud. He didn't look like one of the people on the Marae who tried to spear me. No, it was my Dad! I gasped so hard that we un-balanced. I screamed, woke Dad and we tumbled down into the mud.
I felt so sore as I plummeted through the layers, mud thickly encasing me. All the muscles I had pulled and tug at were screaming for comfort. I hit the ground with an almighty crash, and I heard my fathers WHUMPH as well. I lifted my head and saw I was three inches deep in mud, while Dad was standing up and battling his was across the thick red sludge. He picked me up with both his hands and I sobbed un-controlably into his muddy shirt. "Gosh1" he said, "You will make me more muddier!" but it wasn't a joke. We were still stuck in the middle of the wilderness.
"Maybe it's this track!" dad said brightly, as he walked down a small clearing. "We've been looking for an hour!" I said. Tears were falling thick and fast down my cheeks, but that wasnothing new. My arm was broken so badly it was bleeding, and you could see the bone if you looked at it. So I didn't. My make-shift sling was blood-red but I didn't care.
"Look Dad!" I said wearily, "The sun is setting!"
"@*^& it is too," he said, "Ah well, put on your poncho, we'll sleep soundly tonight and resume our search in the morning."
I rolled my eyes, but saw a little moving figure searching Mt. Kakepuku!
"DAD!" I screamed, he looked up and saw the helicpoter too. Together we waved our arms frantically (or one arm for me, I should say) and the helicopter landed in a little clearing near where we were.
"Let's go!" Dad said excitedly. I did nothing. My eyes rolled into my head and I landed with a thud on the floor, engulfed by black.


mudpies02 said...

Scary! Just a question, was Ellen's dad a parent help or something?

MrWoody said...

How'd you get to publish so we can read in order down the page?